Ursuline Academy

2635 State St, New Orleans, LA 70118

See map

Parish: Orleans Parish

Region: Eastbank

(504) 861-9150


Alice Bairnsfather - email: abairnsfather@uanola.org

Mrs. Karen McNay - email: kmcnay@uanola.org

School Details

Additional Information:
Ursuline Academy of New Orleans, founded in 1727 and sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters, is a Catholic school for girls offering a strong educational environment from early childhood through a college preparatory secondary program. In a diverse community with an inspiring heritage, Ursuline Academy fosters spiritual formation, academic excellence and a life-long commitment to Serviam: I will serve.

The Academy values the uniqueness of each student, nurtures the whole person, develops leaders of confidence and compassion, and prepares them for life in a global society.

School Type: Private

Grade Served: 8th-12th

Gender Served: Girls

Academic Details

Exceptionalities Served: No Information Provided

High School Graduation Rate: 100%

Academic Performance: No information provided

Tuition and Financial Assistance

Tuition: $10,050

Registration Fee $350
Building, Security, & Parents Club Fee (Per Family) $500

Scholarship School: No

TDR School: No

Scholarship Cohort Index: NA

Other Financial Assistance: Financial assistance, merit-based and need-based scholarships available. Please contact our school for more information.

information last updated 2018-11-19

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